Level Music offsets 230B8 - Intro 70E0 - Select Your Player 99D6 - Round 1-1 9A70 - Round 1-2 9CA6 - Round 1-3 9A92 - Round 1 Boss (Never Return Alive with rain - Barbon) 9C7E - Round 2-1 9CA6 - Round 2-2 9B58 - Round 2-3 1A940 - Round 2-3 Boss 0102 9E4E - Round 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, & 3-4 9CC8 - Round 3-5 9EC2 - Round 3-6 9FAC - Alien House(Round 3-7) A020 - Round 4-1 and 4-2 A0BE - Round 4-3 A0E0 - Round 4-4 Boss Room (has it's own value due to it being in a separate scene) 9D6E - Round 5 (all) 9BC0 - Round 5-3 Boss 9C0C - Round 6-1 9D96 - Round 6-2 9A02 - Round 6-2 Boss (I didn't know where this was played originally. However Saven found it.) A160 - Round 7-1 A180 - Round 7-2 9BAC - Round 7-2 Boss A20A - Round 8 (all) 1842C - Stage 3 Boss (Never Return Alive - Zamza) 1EC84 - Shiva 1EF14 - Mr. X 89BC - Stage Clear (NOTE: This one will play everytime you clear a level, but won't at the Hi Score screen) 22D6E - Ending 7AAC - Game Over 633E - Hi Score Table Note: Saven found the Duel music offsets so kudos to him. =) Duel Music Offset: A288 - Stage 1 A2AC - Stage 2 A308 - Stage 3 A332 - Stage 4 A38A - Stage 5 A3DE - Stage 6 Each offset above has this in it: 01XX. The XX = the music track that's played in each stage. Note: Some scenes of some stages that play the same music may have more than one pointer. (i.e. Round 3) Level Music Bytes 00 = Go Straight ingame mix - BGM 00 01 = Go Straight unused mix - BGM 01 02 = Never Return Alive (Boss theme) - BGM 02 03 = At the Bar used version - BGM 03 04 = At the Bar Unused Slow Version - BGM 04 05 = Jungle Base - BGM 05 06 = Slow Moon - BGM 06 07= Spin on the Bridge - BGM 07 08 = Too Deep - BGM 08 09 = Little Money Avenue - BGM 09 0A = SOR Super Mix - BGM 10 0B = Round Clear - BGM 11 0C = Silence - Null value. True purpose unknown. Possibly a Place holding track. 0D = Wave 131 - BGM 12 0E = Max Man - BGM 13 0F = Dreamer - BGM 14 10 = Silence - Same as 0C. 11 = Under Logic - BGM 15 12 = Never Return Alive with Rain Effect sound at the beginning - BGM 16 13 = Revenge of Mr.X - BGM 17 14 = Alein Power - BGM 18 15 = Expander - BGM 19 16 = Ready Funk (clean version) - BGM 20 17 = Ready Funk (Motor version) - BGM 21 18 = Player Select - BGM 22 19 = Game Over - BGM 23 1A = Back to Industry - BGM 24 1B = Good End - BGM 25